Speech and Language Therapy

Your Partner in Speech and Language Therapy

Unlock the power of communication with our Speech and Language Therapy services at Apple Care one. Our dedicated team of therapists is committed to helping individuals of all ages enhance their speech, language, and communication skills in a supportive and personalized environment.

Articulation and Pronunciation Therapy

Argeted interventions to improve speech sound production and clarity.


Strategies to enhance vocabulary, grammar, and overall language comprehension.

Fluency and Stuttering Therapy

Specialized approaches to improve fluency and reduce stuttering.

Voice Disorders Management

Techniques to address voice disorders and improve vocal quality.


Choose Apple Care One Speech and Language Therapy for personalized care addressing unique communication challenges. Our comprehensive services cater to both children and adults, fostering an enjoyable environment for effective therapy. From speech sound disorders to communication difficulties in adults and seniors, we are dedicated to improving communication skills and enhancing overall quality of life.

Contact Us

“Take the first step towards a healthier you! Book an appointment with  Apple Care One today for personalized and compassionate healthcare services. Your well-being is our priority.”

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+44 (0) 161 543 5503



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