Supported/Assisted Living
Numerous individuals we assist currently reside in their own homes, while we also aid others in transitioning from their family residence or residential care to their own place. This page elucidates what supported living entails for those we support and addresses the primary inquiries their families may have.
What is Supported/Assisted Living
Supported living is a service designed to assist individuals in residing in their own home, whether owned or rented, while receiving support with their daily activities. Individuals may occupy an individual flat or a room within a house alongside two or three other adults with similar support requirements. Support can range from 24-hour assistance to daily visits or just a few hours per week.
The support offered encompasses various aspects, including:
- Managing finances and benefits
- Household management to ensure cleanliness and organization
- Assistance with personal hygiene and dressing
- Meal preparation and grocery shopping
- Facilitating participation in educational, volunteering, or work-related activities
- Engaging in leisure activities and socializing with peers
- Visiting family members
What are the main features of Supported/Assisted Living
The individuals we support hold their own tenancy and handle all their bills independently. Their benefits may vary, typically including Housing Benefit and disability-related benefits tailored to their needs. While the landlord may provide major furnishings, individuals are responsible for smaller items and bedroom furniture. In most cases, there won’t be an on-site office, and staff won’t have keys without the individual’s consent. We assist individuals in safely managing their keys. The manager is usually based at the local office but makes regular visits. While the home isn’t equipped like a residential facility, we conduct risk assessments and checks for safety. The environment is designed to feel like home, with only essential information available to staff to ensure effective and secure support.
What does this mean for the individual we suppor
Individuals in our care enjoy greater autonomy over their daily lives, including how they’re supported and who enters their home with staff assistance. They manage their own finances, covering expenses like food, utilities, transportation, and activities. After meeting living costs, most have discretionary income. There’s flexibility in routines, with support for independent shopping and cooking. In shared housing, tenants collaborate on bills, chores, shopping, and cooking, fostering a sense of community. We also encourage and facilitate their involvement in the local community.

How we create Supported Living plans
Support plans are tailored after thorough familiarization with each individual, gaining insight into their history, current circumstances, and aspirations. Through extensive discussions with the individual, their family, and pertinent care providers, we ensure comprehensive understanding and consider individual perspectives before initiating services. Following the establishment of a support plan, we conduct regular reviews to track progress, acknowledging and commemorating every milestone. We persistently encourage individuals to set new goals, fostering ongoing growth and achievement.
What is important when choosing supported living accommodation
Ensuring your comfort, happiness, and safety in your home is paramount for your overall well-being and growth. To achieve this, we diligently create environments tailored to these needs. We collaborate with property developers to secure residences—ranging from houses, apartments, to bungalows—specifically designed to promote independent living. Additionally, we partner with housing associations to identify suitable and affordable accommodations, assisting with tenancy agreements as necessary to provide individuals with the security of their own homes. Some of our homes are equipped with assistive technology for added support.
With a diverse range of supported living options available, we invest time in understanding each individual’s preferences, location requirements, and future aspirations. Recognizing the importance of companionship, we facilitate opportunities for individuals to live with compatible housemates who share similar lifestyles and interests. Our supported living homes are situated within communities with convenient access to local amenities, attractions, and transportation links, ensuring a well-rounded living experience.
How do we ensure people are supported well in supported living
We understand that transitioning to supported living can be daunting for both the individual we support and their families. However:
- Our staff is readily available to provide personalized support whenever it’s needed.
- Our personal care services are registered with the Care Quality Commission in England, ensuring rigorous oversight and regular inspections of our office and records. The inspector also speaks to individuals we support and their relatives during these inspections.
- The manager of the location spends time in the individual’s home, gathering feedback and ensuring that our staff provide adequate support and maintain safety standards.
- The location undergoes regular quality and health and safety checks conducted by managers and staff.
In essence, supported living empowers the individuals we support with choice, control, and the opportunity for independence, alongside the assurance of quality care and safety. Therefore, it is the preferred method of support for Apple Care One in enabling individuals to live comfortably in their own homes.
If you’d like to learn more about supported living and its implications for your relative, please don’t hesitate to contact us.
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